Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mammoth Trip: Day 3 , Oct 4th - Wild Horses, Sagehen

Woke up, another lazy start.

Couldn't figure out what to do, weather was pretty bad, too bad to be out on Crowley.

Decided we would go driving around, etc. Tom finally said lets just go to Sagehen, at 11am. Little late. We decided we would go.

We took the back road out of Tom's Place, across Crowley Dam, and eventually made it to Benton Crossing Rd. We turned again on Hwy 120 out to Benton. Saw the little town of Benton, pretty ran down.

We continued on, driving right at the base of the White Mountains, pretty cool. Saw an old burned Casino and abandoned hotel at the top of Montgomery Grade. We turned left on Hwy 360 and drove about 5 miles before turning left onto a dirt road.

We saw some horses within 10 min, 4 of them, 1 of them being a baby. I didn't have my zoom camera, bummed!

We continued on with Tom telling us that is 'just over the next hill' many times, etc etc. The weather was consistently cloudy with minor rain, and a dark storm right behind us.

We passed an old Chimney on the way, crazy to think someone put it there!

We came to a Y in the road, the left going down to Truman Meadows, and the right going to Sagehen. We continued on and finally made it to Sagehen Springs after 10.2 miles from Hwy 360.

There are some old trailers up there, kina freaky to think what goes on in those.

We park the truck near the spring, and the storm starts to wreak havoc. Temp 39 degrees. Rain/Hail. We wait 20 min, and finally stops raining. Tom is intent on getting out and exploring around 250 pm. Tim, Tom, and my Dad go explore for the next hour, while I mostly sit in the car. Too cold out there.

The fog moves in and I can't even see 100 yards in front of me. Not feelin too comfortable. Finally around 4pm they come back to the truck and we take off. Takes nearly 1.5hr to go 10 miles, and make it to the road, but we made it!

We started driving back, stopped at the mine at the bottom of Montgomery Pass just for a second. Then drove all the way home, got back pretty late. Pretty long day and crazy!

Map details are saved on my google maps / earth.
Here is a general map of the drive CLICK HERE FOR MAP
Also, pics should be on flickr.

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