Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mammoth Trip: Day 8 , Oct 9th - Fish Crowley, Head Home

Everyone left, so i went to Crowley north end by myself with the float tube. Kicked out to some other boats to midge, they were getting a fish maybe every 15 min, I finally got 1 bump after about 30 min. Some strippers came through and got 3 or 4 hits right next to me near the shore on Green Banks, so I decdided to start stripping. I had a black wooly bugger with green punk perch trailer. I finally got hit hard right off the little point, Gary's point, pretty close to the shore. It was a feisty 18" rainbow, pullin hard, and I pulled a little too hard back, and he came unbuttoned. I put it back down, and caught another little 12 rainbow 20 minutes later. As I was leaving around 12, some guy said he just caught a 24" rainbow in front of the trucks on a Loeberg. I think that's the spot!

I drove home, pretty uneventful, I think 4:34 moving time, and 17 min stopped time.

Sad to leave!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mammoth Trip: Day 7 , Oct 8th - Fish Crowley

Woke up, was on Crowley by 930am.

Got a few take downs midging in the middle of the north end in around 7 ft of water, small dinks.

Overall, fishing was pretty slow all day, I think I got 2 fish, Dad got maybe 4? All small rainbows.

Tim and Robbie got 32 trout on the boat trolling, some on an Arctic Fox Trolling Fly Black with Red Tinsel and a Tasmanian Devil with like Yellow wings and some red/black spots in the middle.

Robbie maybe got 3 fish, Tom maybe got 3-4.

Left lake at about 645pm.

Came home and had steaks for dinner.

Last full day here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mammoth Trip: Day 6 , Oct 7th - Crowley all day

Woke up, got ready, headed down to Crowley. Tim and Robbie were in the boat, and Tom Gary Dad and I drove in my truck to the north end of the lake via dirt road. We were in the water by about 930am. We got a few fish midging, then did some trolling and got a few more, then a few more midging towards the end of the day. Tim and Robbie maybe caught about 12 fish, Dad and I caught about 12, and Tom and Gary got about 6. Good day.

We stopped by the troutfitter on the way home, then had a good spaghetti dinner.

Another beautiful day!

Mammoth Trip: Day 5 , Oct 6th - Crowley, Fish Hatchery

Woke up, decided to head down to crowley.

Got out on the water, started out in the north end. Wind came up, left that spot after about 45 minutes. We headed up to the crooked creek area on the boat and trolled around for ZERO bites!!

We got off the lake, and then drove up to the Hot Creek Trout Hatchery. It was crazy to see all these huge trout up close. We took some underwater video seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHOjr7SU6kc

We continued down and checked out the rest of Hot Creek, which was pretty interesting to see the hot springs.

We came home and put the porta boat together in preparation of the next day.

Gary and Robbie arrived and we had sausage and sour kraut (sp?) for dinner.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mammoth Trip: Day 4 , Oct 5th - Petroglyphs, Chidago Canyon, Upper Owens

Took our time, got on the road about 1030.

Stopped for some supplies at Rite Aid.

Stopped at Mammoth Visitors Center and got some maps. Lots of good books/maps in there, would be fun to go back and read some stuff.

Got on the road and decided to head down to Bishop. We took Lower Rock Creek road down which was fun to see again. Came out onto 395 above bishop, then got gas.

Drove over to the Owens River off of 5 bridges road, then up to Chalk Bluffs. The water was moving so fast, 507CFS so we decided not to fish it.

We continued on and hopped on Fish Slough Rd. This just parallels hwy 6. We cruised down the dirt road, checkin things out. We stopped at a few places to see some petroglyphs on some rocks on the side of the road. Amazing to see these drawings from people 1000 years ago. Just amazing!

Continued up and turned onto Chidago Canyon rd. We headed up and went through a super tight Red Rock canyon. Pretty fun to see though!

Came out of the canyon, and passed some good lookin country. Passed a few mines, of which we saw a few camps where miners might live. Don't want to mess with them!

We finally poppped out onto Benton Crossing Rd.

We drove to the Upper Owens River right above Crowley lake just in time for a big storm to roll through, it was fun to watch. Dad and I wanted to fish here, but Tom wanted to fish up near Long Ears, so we drove 30 min to get up there, then had to rig up. I was able to fish on the river for about 30 min before another big storm came. Not even a single bite! I was using 2 nymphs, I don't know if I was weighted down enough.

I got back to the truck and was looking through Tom's binoculoars at them fishing still. Behind them I see a cow chasing a coyote away! No Joke! The coyote must have been harassing it so the cow chased him away. I continued to watch the coyote for a few more minutes then eventually lost him. But fun to see!

The storm came, dad got soaked because he didn't head back to the car quick enough!

We loaded up, and headed out. We saw a doe with fawns not far from the spot.

We got on a dirt road, then drove to a nice hot spring. There was someone camping nearly right on top of the hot spring, so we couldn't use it. Very frustrating. We drove to another hot spring, and another guy was in it, but was leaving, but it was dark by this time, so we decided to pass.

Map of Hot Springs: CLICK HERE

Google book about hot springs: http://books.google.com/books?id=0tF7-l903RYC&lpg=PA64&dq=whitmore%20tubs&pg=PA66#v=onepage&q=whitmore%20tubs&f=false

We drove home, and had some albacore for dinner.

Map of the complete day

Pics could be found on flickr. Hot spring is off Whitmore Springs, first nice big right.

Mammoth Trip: Day 3 , Oct 4th - Wild Horses, Sagehen

Woke up, another lazy start.

Couldn't figure out what to do, weather was pretty bad, too bad to be out on Crowley.

Decided we would go driving around, etc. Tom finally said lets just go to Sagehen, at 11am. Little late. We decided we would go.

We took the back road out of Tom's Place, across Crowley Dam, and eventually made it to Benton Crossing Rd. We turned again on Hwy 120 out to Benton. Saw the little town of Benton, pretty ran down.

We continued on, driving right at the base of the White Mountains, pretty cool. Saw an old burned Casino and abandoned hotel at the top of Montgomery Grade. We turned left on Hwy 360 and drove about 5 miles before turning left onto a dirt road.

We saw some horses within 10 min, 4 of them, 1 of them being a baby. I didn't have my zoom camera, bummed!

We continued on with Tom telling us that is 'just over the next hill' many times, etc etc. The weather was consistently cloudy with minor rain, and a dark storm right behind us.

We passed an old Chimney on the way, crazy to think someone put it there!

We came to a Y in the road, the left going down to Truman Meadows, and the right going to Sagehen. We continued on and finally made it to Sagehen Springs after 10.2 miles from Hwy 360.

There are some old trailers up there, kina freaky to think what goes on in those.

We park the truck near the spring, and the storm starts to wreak havoc. Temp 39 degrees. Rain/Hail. We wait 20 min, and finally stops raining. Tom is intent on getting out and exploring around 250 pm. Tim, Tom, and my Dad go explore for the next hour, while I mostly sit in the car. Too cold out there.

The fog moves in and I can't even see 100 yards in front of me. Not feelin too comfortable. Finally around 4pm they come back to the truck and we take off. Takes nearly 1.5hr to go 10 miles, and make it to the road, but we made it!

We started driving back, stopped at the mine at the bottom of Montgomery Pass just for a second. Then drove all the way home, got back pretty late. Pretty long day and crazy!

Map details are saved on my google maps / earth.
Here is a general map of the drive CLICK HERE FOR MAP
Also, pics should be on flickr.

Mammoth Trip: Day 2 , Oct 3nd - Fish Crowley

We woke and got a pretty late start.
Drove to Gabes, got the boat.
Got on the water, started trolling around McGee Bay and near Sandy Point. There were quite a few tubers at Sandy Point. We hooked up one brown near the restroom in McGee in about 12 ft of water. We were trolling Tazmanian Devils and Needlefish.

We decided to round the corner and look up the north arm, to find a TON of boats up there. Whoops, this is where we should have started!

We pulled into the 'floatilla' and started midging. Tim was getting bites pretty quick on a broken back blood midge with copper head. We talked to a guy that said the fishing was better a little earlier. We didn't get there till about 12pm. Tim missed a few fish, and FINALLY my indicator goes down, and I hook up. Nice fish, a really nice brown actually. We were in about 8.7ft of water, and fishing 6-12" above the bottom. I caught mine on a size 18 zebra midge with a black head. We got several more take downs, and landed a few. Tim lost a fatty rainbow because he was leaping 3 ft out of the air!

It started to rain, so we decided to start trolling. We hooked up a few fish, including another nice brown on a Tazmanian. We were trolling anywhere from Green Banks to Alligator Point. We put out a Wooly Bugger on a fly rod and hooked up pretty quick, so we then put out two fly rods, and caught several more fish, including a fatty rainbow on a Wooly on a leadcore pole.

We fished nearly till 5pm then called it a day and headed home.

Pics can be found on Flickr.

Mammoth Trip: Day 1 , Oct 2nd - Drive Over and then some...

Drove from Danville to Mammoth.

Stopped at Olmstead point in Yosemite to check out the view. Dark clouds were in the east, but the west was more clear.

Stopped quickly at Tenaya Lake to check it out, and moved onwards.

Took a detour up the road to Saddlebag lake. There is a nice creek along the road up to the lake, several people were fishing. Looks like it could be pretty fun. Further up the road it opens up a bit to some nice views of some mountains.

Finally came up to the lake, it had an interesting wooden dam. The shore surrounding the lake was a bit barren, not too many trees. I heard they offer a shuttle across the lake. I stayed for about 5 min, then took off back down the hill while it started to rain.

Came down Tioga Pass and decided to drive the June Lake Loop. Fall colors were starting to show around Parker Lake. Grant lake was pretty dreary, a few boats trolling. My wiper blade on my truck busted in front of Silver Lake Resort so I had to zip tie it back on. I continued on around the loop and eventually came out and continued onto Mammoth.

I drove right up to Lake Mary and fished at the point near the outlet with a Wooly Bugger for about 45 min for no fish. I drove up to George to take some pictures, and talked to some bear conservation guy and saw a big female bear.

Headed back to the condo and called it a day.

Pictures can be found on flickr for most these events.