Sunday, January 4, 2015

2014 - Year In Review

2014 was an amazing year! There's not much more to say than we are a very blessed family!

Here are some highlights:

  • Traveled to Europe for the time - Nicole and I went to Czech Republic, Austria and Italy. We traveled by train primarily and saw some amazing cities such as Prague, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Venice, Rome, Cinque Terre and Florence. 
  • 805 Webcams - Able to get a website designed and new cameras up and launched! 
  • 30th Birthday - I feel more like an adult now!
  • Backpacking Trip - Chain Lakes - Great times with a great group!
  • Nicole Graduated College!
  • Debt Free on Student Loans!

Other happenings: 
  • Kings Canyon Day Trip - Loved exploring the river, catching a few trout! Look forward to going back!
  • Housesitting at Margo and Riks
  • Elevate Church Trip near Dodge Ridge
  • Hume Redcoat - A fun winter weekend!
  • Gateworks Florida Trip 
  • Sold Nicole's Xterra
  • Fished Pyramid Lake 
  • Denise got Married
  • Lopez RV / Boat Trip - Greg cut head wakeboarding!
  • Wonderful Mammoth Trip - Lundy Canyon / Shadow Lake
  • Ranch Anniversary Trip
  • Hiked Pinnacles near Salinas
  • Thanksgiving at Ranch

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