Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mammoth Trip July 24-27

Day 1: July 24, 2010
Rode jetski at Calero
Drove over to Yosemite, arrived around 10pm

Day 2: July 25, 2010

awoke, checked laurel, too many storms
drop off ranger at condo
go to mary
see bear
eat lunch
thunderstorm start
drive to upper owens
fish for a few
head back, shower

Day 3: July 26, 2010

Awoke early, took drive up to twin, check weather, take some pics
came back, pretty rainy, call it off
me and dad go fish owens early, storm to start, see lightning,no luck after about 2 hrs
mom and adele were kayaking
head back to condo, make lunch, drive to twin lakes, eat lunch, start raining
drive up to mary, park at inlet, i fish, girls sit and read
lost 2 completely fly bubble setups
get ranger at condo to bring back to gabes
weather looks decent, decide to do laurel ride
park and ride
blockage on road right at upper switchbacks
fish meadow, caught golden, and saw 1 huge one in creek
found obsidian
head down around 6
drop off ranger at gabes
eat dinner at toms place

Day 4: July 27, 2010

pretty much just wake up, pack up
head towards yosemite, really no stops
get down to valley
inflate raft at curry village raft rentals / ice rink
go park truck, ride bike
hop in raft
stop at beach
float, have good time
pull out, load truck
bad traffic
taco bell in oakdale
drive home

Pictures are on flickr

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