Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mammoth 7-19-2007

Well, knowing that I love Mammoth, I knew I wanted to take another trip up there soon. Rather than going with the parents, I decided it would be nice to take a friend. It just so happens Greg Keogh is working in Tehachapi on a summer internship, and that is right on my way! I left Shell Beach around 440 Thursday afternoon, and headed over. Greg was great company on that long gruesome drive! The stars were quite bright heading up 395. It was so dark that we were even able to see some of the milky way! Before we knew it, we were up in Mammoth. Twin Lakes campground was full, so we headed over to Coldwater on the south end of Lake Mary. We snagged spot 44, quickly setup the tent, and was in bed by 1 AM. A chilly night along with lack of blankets left me in a cold shiver until I woke up around 7am. At this point we decided to go pick up the quads and get our day started.